

Exploring Different Options When Considering Commercial Rekeying

Understanding Commercial Rekeying for Enhanced Business Protection

One critical decision often stands between vulnerability and resilience for commercial properties—rekeying or changing the locks. The age-old debate between rekeying and changing locks has perplexed many business owners. In order to make an informed decision, it is important to understand the nuances of commercial rekeying. By diving deeper into this process, we can uncover the benefits, factors to consider, and the pivotal role it plays in ensuring a secure business environment. 

What is the Difference Between Rekeying vs. Changing Locks?

It's essential to understand the fundamental differences between commercial rekeying and changing locks. Lock rekeying involves a locksmith service altering the internal mechanism of the lock, rendering the existing key system obsolete and requiring new keys to operate the lock. On the other hand, changing locks entails replacing the commercial door locks fully, including the hardware and keys, with a brand-new key system.

The Case for Commercial Rekeying

Cost-Effective Security Upgrade: Commercial rekeying provides a cost-effective alternative to changing locks. When a business experiences turnover or a security breach, opting for a lock rekeying service allows for swift and efficient security updates without the need for an extensive overhaul. This cost-effectiveness makes rekeying an attractive option for businesses looking to enhance security on a budget.

Time Efficiency: Time is often of the essence in the business world, and the time required to change all the locks in a commercial space can be a significant concern. Commercial rekeying offers a quicker solution, minimizing downtime and disruption to regular business operations. This is particularly advantageous for businesses with high foot traffic or those operating in industries where continuous access is crucial.

Maintaining Aesthetics and Consistency: Changing door locks with a commercial locksmith service may result in the need for alterations to doors and frames to accommodate the new hardware. Commercial rekeying, however, entails professional locksmith service providers maintain the existing hardware, preserving the aesthetic consistency of the business premises. This can be especially important for businesses with a distinct architectural style or those seeking to minimize the visible impact of security updates.

Considerations Before Rekeying

Lock Condition: Before deciding on commercial rekeying, it's crucial to assess the condition of the existing locks. Rekeying is most effective when the locks are in good working order. If the locks show signs of wear and tear, changing them might be a more prudent long-term investment.

Security Requirements: Evaluate the specific security requirements of your business. Rekeying is a suitable solution for routine security updates, employee turnover, or lost keys that result in an office lock out. However, if there has been a security breach or if the current locks are outdated and vulnerable, changing locks might be the more secure option and an emergency locksmith will be the best fit.

Consultation with a Professional Locksmith: While the decision between rekeying and changing locks may seem straightforward, the expertise of a professional locksmith can be invaluable to aid making your decision about your commercial lock system. A thorough assessment by a locksmith will consider factors such as the type of locks, the level of security needed, and the overall condition of the existing hardware.


Commercial rekeying is a versatile and efficient option for businesses. Balancing the scales between cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and maintaining the aesthetic integrity of a commercial space, rekeying offers a strategic approach to security updates. The decision ultimately hinges on the unique needs of the business, the condition of existing locks, and the desired level of security.

The choice to rekey commercial locks resonates as a harmonious blend of security, pragmatism, and fiscal responsibility. By unlocking the potential of rekeying, businesses can fortify their defenses while maintaining the rhythm of seamless operations—a key strategy in the ever-evolving commercial security.

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